about: jim stearns

Jim Stearns has over 20 years experience as a political consultant. As president and creative director of Stearns Consulting, he has led dozens of successful campaigns for statewide and local offices, ballot measures and grassroots issues.

As creative director of Mack/Crounse Group, Stearns has worked on some of the biggest national races of the past 5 years, contributing to campaigns crucial to the Democratic takeover of Congress in 2006 and Barack Obama's victory in 2008. Before that, he was vice president and creative director of Campaign Performance Group, another of the nation's leading political direct mail firms.

Stearns has been consistently recognized by his peers at the American Association of Political Consultants for his outstanding work. He has won awards for excellence in political direct mail, outdoor advertising, collateral advertising, and the "best grassroots lobbying campaign in the country."

In over 25 years in politics, Stearns has worked in every field of electoral and grassroots campaigning, from door to door canvassing to creating television ads for statewide media markets, to building websites and running social networking campaigns.